

Understanding SWR

This decades-old video from Bell Labs gives the best explanation of SWR (standing wave ratio) I have ever seen. I enjoyed it so much I thought I would share it here.

Using the AI Tool “RM Noise” with the Flex 6400

As I was preparing to teach my winter 2024 course, IPT515 Artificial Intelligence for Instructional Designers (at Brigham Young University), I started thinking, “surely by now someone is applying AI to amateur radio.” It didn’t take a lot of Googling…

Synchronizing Logs Between WSJT-X and JTDX

After conversations with friends in the WVDXA, I’ve begun using JTDX for working DX on FT8. Upon launching JTDX, however, I was immediately annoyed at the fact that it knew nothing about the thousands of QSOs I had already made…

Working the Mozambique DXpedition on FT8

There’s currently a DXpedition to Mozambique operating as C92RU. I’ve been having trouble making a contact with the crew there, which surprised me a bit given how easily I contacted the same group a few weeks ago when they were…

Designing a QSL Card with Google Sheets


For my first several weeks making contacts on FT8, in order to keep things simple I limited myself to making contacts with other hams who confirm QSLs via Logbook of the World. Now that I’m expanding into SSB I’ve started…

WAS 40m and 80m Endorsements for FT8

I’m continuing to be active on FT8. I recently read Gary Hinson ZL2iFB’s FT8 Operating Guide: Weak signal HF DXing for technophiles and it was extremely helpful. Check it out if you’re looking to up your game on FT8. I…

Putting Up My First HF Antenna

Licensed CC BY by David Wiley

Last Friday, with the help of Tim K8RRT and Bob W8RLG, I got my first HF antenna up. It’s the EFHW-8010-2K-Plus Multiband End Fed Half Wave Antenna from MyAntennas.com. The marketing material for the antenna says: 130 Feet (39.6m) long…
