Understanding SWR

This decades-old video from Bell Labs gives the best explanation of SWR (standing wave ratio) I have ever seen. I enjoyed it so much I thought I would share it here.

Using the AI Tool “RM Noise” with the Flex 6400

As I was preparing to teach my winter 2024 course, IPT515 Artificial Intelligence for Instructional Designers (at Brigham Young University), I started thinking, “surely by now someone is applying AI to amateur radio.” It didn’t take a lot of Googling…

Synchronizing Logs Between WSJT-X and JTDX

After conversations with friends in the WVDXA, I’ve begun using JTDX for working DX on FT8. Upon launching JTDX, however, I was immediately annoyed at the fact that it knew nothing about the thousands of QSOs I had already made…
